IFLA Advisory Committee on Standards Symposium

Metadata Standards Matter:
Building a Sustainable Future for Information

19 March 2025

National Library of Greece, Athens

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Advisory Committee on Standards is hosting a symposium on metadata, with the theme “Metadata Standards Matter: Building a Sustainable Future for Information.” This event is a significant opportunity for professionals, practitioners, researchers, scholars, etc. to contribute to the discourse on metadata standards and their impact on sustainability in the future of the world of information.


The symposium aims to foster a collaborative environment where ideas can be exchanged, and innovative solutions can be discussed to advance the field of metadata and its contribution to sustainable information practices. Metadata standards are essential for the organization, management, and retrieval of information in various domains. They provide a structured framework for describing data, ensuring consistency and interoperability across systems and platforms. They are more than technical specifications; they are the pillars that support the accessibility, interoperability, and preservation of information across various platforms and institutions. The call for proposals is an invitation to colleagues to present their insights, research, and experiences related to these subthemes.

Symposium subthemes

Technology Matters: The focus is on the technological advancements that support metadata standards and emerging technologies, including AI. The discussion will encompass how technology can facilitate the creation, maintenance, and dissemination of standardized metadata, and how it can be leveraged to meet the challenges of evolving information landscapes.

    • Metadata strategies and approaches in face of technological developments
    • Challenges and opportunities in metadata management using AI
    • Adapting metadata standards to emerging technologies, formats and content types
Accessibility Matters: This subtheme addresses the role of metadata standards in enhancing the accessibility of information. It will cover how well-implemented metadata practices can break down barriers and facilitate information access and ensure that diverse user communities can benefit from the wealth of available data.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Metadata for accessibility, inclusive design, digital inclusion
    • Challenges and solutions in accessibility metadata recording and standards
    • Use cases of accessibility metadata creation and workflow
    • Creating inclusive digital collections and repositories
Competencies Matters: This subtheme seeks to explore the evolving landscape of metadata management and the essential skills required for metadata professionals using AI and other rapid technological advancements and evolution of bibliographic standards.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Competencies framework for today’s metadata professionals
    • Training and development strategies for metadata professionals
    • Emergence of new metadata-related roles and skills
Participants are encouraged to submit proposals that not only reflect on current standards and technologies but also envision the future of metadata in a rapidly changing digital world. The symposium is an excellent platform for highlighting the significance of metadata standards in building a sustainable future for information and for advocating for the continuous development of these standards to meet the needs of tomorrow’s information consumers.

This is a unique chance to contribute to a global conversation on a topic that is foundational to the organization, retrieval, and preservation of knowledge in the digital age.

Important dates

      • Deadline for submission of proposals: 29 November 2024 – closed
      • Notification of acceptance: 11 December 2024
      • Deadline for submission of presentation slides: 12 March 2025
      • Symposium date: 19 March 2025