Advisory Committee on Standards

The Advisory Committee on Standards (CoS) coordinates IFLA’s work to develop and maintain professional standards and guidelines for information professionals across the globe, and provides advice to the Governing Board.

As the central hub for IFLA’s work on technical standards and professional practice guidelines, it manages their development, revision, and publication, working closely with IFLA’s Sections and other Committees.

The Committee also aims to raise the visibility of IFLA standards within and beyond IFLA’s membership by providing document maintenance, storage and open access. It liaises with external standards-issuing bodies such as ISO, CEN and the ISBN International Board.

CoS has 10 members, including a chair, appointed by the Governing Board. It is made up of experts from around the world appointed by the Governing Board.

It is also the parent committee to IFLA’s Review Groups – Bibliographic Conceptual Models (BCM), International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), Metadata Technical Standards Review Group (METATEC), and UNIMARC – which work to ensure the ongoing availability and relevance of IFLA’s technical standards. The chairs of these groups are ex officio members of CoS.